Musical Two Sisters and a Funeral by Roger Jones, performed at Almondbury Methodist Church
Two Sisters and a Funeral by Roger Jones

Based on the successful performance in 2011 of the musical 'From Pharaoh to Freedom' by Roger Jones, the Circuit wanted to bring together the Circuit Choir again for another musical.

In 2012, people from Almondbury Methodist Church and other churches within the Huddersfield Circuit came together again to form the Circuit Choir and perform the musical 'Two Sisters and a funeral' by Roger Jones.

'Two Sisters and a Funeral' is a musical based on the story of Mary, Martha and their brother Lazarus in the village of Bethany and their encounters with Jesus.

The Choir took the musical around the larger chapels in the Circuit to enable as many people within the Circuit to see the performance. At every chapel where the muscial was performed, every seat was taken. Everyone singing the songs and listening to the choir's performance had a great time.

For further information or to obtain copies of the music see Christian Music Ministries at

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