Almondbury Art Group
If you would like to learn a new skill and are feeling creative
or would like to develop your artistic skills further, why not go
along to the Art Group which meets during term time, every Monday
at 7.00pm.
The sessions are led by a local artist Rob Greenwood who lives in
Almondbury. He has been an artist for over 30 years and keen to
share his experiences and skills with others who would like to develop
their skills further.
Please note there will be a small fee charged per session in order to cover costs.
If you are interested in going along and would like to make contact
or request further information such as what you need to bring and where, please visit Rob Greenwood's website
Check This Week's Diary
for further details
Sunday Worship 10.30am
The Wesley Centre Friendly Club
Open House
Almondbury TOTS