Messy Church at Almondbury Methodist Church and The Wesley Centre
Messy Church

Messy Church at Almondbury Methodist Church started back in 2010 and was a whole new way of being church.

It wasn't a traditional style of worship. Messy Church was for all ages and was held once a month, a time for creativity, worship and food.

Messy Church was usually the second Saturday of every month, between 3.00pm and 5.00pm, and included a variety of craft activities for all ages to take part in as they wish. Those who came could either spend all their time doing one activity or move around freely to do a variety of activities. It was an informal, relaxed time for conversation, craft activities, worship and the sharing of food.

All were made welcome and children were encouraged to bring an adult friend or family member with them.

Below you can see many photographs of some of the fun things that we've done.

Please note Messy Church no longer meets at Almondbury Methodist Church. We have instead started a new 'One 4 All' service which started during Lent 2017, as a different way of doing church. If you think a traditional service is not for you then we suggest you can come along and give it a try. Please keep an eye out in 'This Week's Diary' and 'Coming Soon' for the next time we meet. Hope to see you there!

Also for the latest goings-on find us on Facebook at Almondbury Methodist Church.

Copyright Permission:
The Messy Church Logo within the image above, is used with the following copyright permission -
Messy Church Logo Copyright Bible Reading Fellowship© 1998 - 2010.

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